Stop People Claiming From Your Possessions After You Die By Making a Wassiyyah

Stop People Claiming From Your Possessions After You Die By Making a Wassiyyah

There are some people who you might not want to give anything to after you die.

Not because you’re selfish.


But because you’re a Muslim.

We often hear stories about the rich who gave all their wealth to charity, cutting off their children and loved ones from their will.

As a Muslim though, you want to be sure that your belongings are distributed correctly.

Correctly in accordance with the Qur’an and Sunnah, where your loved ones receive what they’re entitled to in full.

Your belongings (wealth, property, car etc. minus any debts and funeral costs) is called your Estate.

Under the English law, people (who are NOT entitled to anything) can claim against your Estate under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependents) Act 1975.

Making a Wassiyyah can change that.

A Wassiyyah, translated to Bequest is “the act of giving or leaving something by will.”

This could be to a friend, an adopted child, a charity, your neighbour or anyone you wish.

We are also reminded of our duty as Muslims, to make a Wassiyyah from this famous Hadith:

“It is the duty of a Muslim who has something which is to be given as a bequest not to have it for two nights without having his will written down regarding it.” (Sahih Muslim)

As much as it’s important, making a Wassiyyah is often confused as the will itself. This, however, is not the case.

According to Islamic law, you make a Wassiyyah for up to one-third of your estate and not a penny more.


So that those who receive a Fard share (called “legal heirs”) don’t receive less than they should.

Note that this cannot be used as a loop-hole by increasing the amount your legal heirs receive.

We also advise (and it’s preferable) that you don’t make a Wassiyyah if those entitled to a Fard share are poor.


Because of the relationship you have with them is far superior. It’s also a way of showing love to your heirs after you die.

With us so far?


Here are two other important rules to remember when making a Wassiyyah:

  1. If you leave more than one third of your possessions as a Wassiyyah and all of your legal heirs accept this, the Wassiyyah still stands!
  2. If the person/charity in whose favour the Wassiyyah is (called “legatee”) chooses not to accept the Wassiyyah, it will go back and be divided amongst your heirs in Fard shares.


Making a Wassiyyah can stop people claiming from your possessions after you die. A Wassiyyah will ensure that a third of your estate is given to whomsoever you wish. And that your loved ones (legal heirs) also receive what they’re entitled to.

We’d love to know which charity is close to your heart.

Who would you leave some of your estate to?


At True Wills, we understand how important it is for you to protect

  • Your wealth
  • Your children
  • Your Akhirah

That’s why our CEO, Mohamed Suleman, a UK qualified solicitor is hosting a free 60 minute webinar to teach you the importance of a will, and how you can create one. If you’ve struggled to create a will in the past, it’s not your fault. Without knowing what we’re about to share, you were in the dark.

Spaces are limited and the event is filling up quickly.

Learn how to create your Islamic will in less than an hour. Find out when our next FREE webinar is (webinar dates will be announced soon).

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